The growth of Youth talent quality The growth of Youth

Mr. Saleh Behbahani
Ph.D, Purdue University

Mr. Saleh Behbahani has B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Mining Engineering. He is currently doing his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Purdue University under supervision of Dr. Tom Iseley. Right after getting his B.Sc.  degree, he was hired by the Perlite Construction Co. and worked as supervisor on the Tohid Tunnel project which is one of the major tunneling projects in Tehran using sequential excavation method (SEM).  Before joining Purdue, he was assisting Dr. Iseley as a teaching assistant and research assistant at the Trenchless Technology Center (TTC), Louisiana Tech University (LA Tech) for about 7 years. While working at the TTC, he had been involved with numerous research projects and workshops on pipeline inspection, pipeline condition assessment, pipeline rehabilitation, cured-in-place pipe (CIPP), underground asset management, utility investigation, assessment of hydrocarbon exposure in sewer systems and rehabilitation options, etc. Mr. Behbahani is the coordinator of the TTC Specialty School programs including the Auger Boring School and the ASCE’s Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI) Utility Investigation School (UIS). Since Mr. Behbahani came to the USA, he has assisted Dr. Iseley with the development of online and classroom courses for the Certification of Training in Asset Management (CTAM) program for the Buried Asset Management Institute-International (BAMI-I) where he serves as the president of the non-profit association. Mr. Behbahani is the manager of CTAM Courses. CTAM program has 4 courses taken by individuals from 15 countries. CTAM Courses benefit Professional Engineers with years of experience in management of underground asset infrastructure as well as municipalities. Mr. Behbahani was honored to receive the Rapid Excavation & Tunneling Conference (RETC) Student Attendance Scholarship in 2017 and 2019, and the Underground Construction Association of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (UCA of SME) Executive Committee Scholarship in 2018. Mr. Behbahani has received the Associate Water Asset Manager (AWAM) Certificate from the BAMI-I (License 0003). Furthermore, he has been able to maintain his GPA 4.0 out of 4.0 in the Ph.D. program. Mr. Behbahani has had several articles published in nationally/internationally recognized magazines and journals. 

The growth of Youth talent quality The growth of Youth

Ge Yanchao
Chief Engineer, Henan Zhongtuo Petroleum Engineering&Technology Co., Ltd.

作为负责人完成‘旧管道内衬UV CIPP固化修复技术’研究,实现了材料、设备的国产化。主持编写的‘光固化软管内衬(UV-CIPP)管道修复工法’通过省级工法评审。代表公司参与《城镇排水管道非开挖修复更新工程技术规程》(CJJ/T 210-2014)、《城镇给水管道非开挖修复更新工程技术规程》(CJJ/T 244-2016)、CSTT组织编写的《管道更新技术规程》、《管道更新施工定额》、《非开挖技术术语》等多个标准规范的编写。2016年和2017年受中国地质学会非开挖技术专业委员会邀请作为第一期和第二期管道更新施工技术培训班授课老师对行业内学员授课。2018年度,获选为CSTT管道更新专家组成员。

The growth of Youth talent quality The growth of Youth

Muhammad Farid Ghazali
Engineer/Researcher, University of Petroleum and Technology, Malaysia

MASTER OF SCIENCE (HONS) Candidate (Civil Engineering)
-Research Title: Early warning and real-time monitoring system of landslide using distributed optical fibre strain sensing

-The research concerns about the technology uses a novel technique of measuring strains and movements on slopes in a near continuous manner using fibre optic distributed sensor known as Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Analysis (BOTDA).

Research Officer, UNIVERSITY TEKNOLOGI PETRONAS (01 May 2017 -Now)

- Researcher in slope monitoring for landslide using fibre optic system.
- Collaboration with JKR in monitoring landslide at KM 41 Simpang Pulai.
- Design product for slope monitoring using fiber optic system.
- University representative in promoting landslide monitoring products to industry.
-Researcher in the performance of Micro Tunneling Boring Machine (MTBM) with subsurface ground condition

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